Helena Wilton

Helena Wilton

Helena is a London based (and virtual of course!) yoga teacher, trained in Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Rocket, Mandala, and Yin, and alongside this working for a wellbeing tech company called YuLife, on a mission to get people moving and looking after their wellbeing in simple, habitual ways.

Helena Wilton has always been a big exerciser (team sports, running, weight training) but yoga didn’t come naturally at all. In fact, when she first started on her yoga journey she could barely touch my knees let alone toes! So yoga taught her early on about losing the ego and the importance of not comparing herself to others.

Her yoga journey began in 2011 when she literally stumbled into an Ashtanga class in London, amazed by the bendy and strong humans she was surrounded by. Since then she’s tried more styles of yoga than she can remember but at the end of the day believes that there is no one correct way to practice yoga. She explains that you should ”Figure out what brings you joy and do more of that!”

Also, Helena is not the stereotypical perfect yogi by any means; neither in her yoga practice nor personal life. She loves a glass of wine, eating pizza and watching a Netflix series. Why? Because she believes we need to focus on our holistic wellbeing, not just what we eat and how much we exercise to be healthy, Just as important as what we eat/how we exercise is gaining a sense of purpose each day, the people we surround ourselves with and the environments we live in.

Helena’s goal is to make my learnings of ancient yogic wisdom and holistic wellbeing relatable and applicable so you can improve your lives in the areas you wish to most.

Finally, the most important thing she tells her students is to ”make sure you’re having fun on your yoga mats!”